This document is not a prospectus. This whitepaper is solely to pass general information about the project. The details provided on the website or the whitepaper does not constitute financial/trading/investment/legal/other advice. The content of the whitepaper need not be treated as such either. We do not recommend or solicit buying and selling of assets or making investment decisions without careful evaluation and due diligence.

The whitepaper is not dependable for making accounting, legal, tax, or investment decisions. The opinions made in the paper are subject to changes without notice. The cryptocurrencies, tokens, and wallets supported by the platform are carefully evaluated before being listed. We don't endorse or recommend the coins or wallets supported.

By purchasing $NCOG or any other token listed on NcogSwap, you agree that you are not making an investment or buying security. You will be solely held liable for the losses or taxes you incur in the process.

You will agree not to hold the team legally responsible for issues of safety, price, functionality, or future progress of the $NCOG token or other tokens launched on the platform.

You also agree that your trading activities on NCOG DeFi are in line with your local laws and regulations. This document doesn't depict the final technical specifications. The technical aspects mentioned in this document are not absolute or final. They depict the general vision behind NCOG DeFi and how we plan to turn the abstract ideas into a full-fledged project.

The strategies, design, and use-cases are subject to modifications and discontinuation with or without notification. To receive the latest updates about our project and technical specifications, visit

Last updated