Interactive NFTs (iNFTs)

Another key part of the NCOG DeFi is Interactive NFT (iNFT) which is a project that aims to:

· Allow NFTs to be dynamic and/or interactive to the Viewer (procedural art with JavaScript, HTML, external data call, music player, video player).

· Allow a Creator to declare the NFT configurable and an Owner to configure those values, making the NFT evolve. (similar to Async, but since NFT is code running, it can go much deeper)

This way, an Artist could create a procedural piece of art and allow the future owners to set some key values used during the art rendering, thus making the Art evolutive. For example, the owner could edit colors, animation durations, texts, textures, or anything that the creator declared as editable.

Another example would be a card on which the viewer could click; the card would then flip and present its attributes. All this directly on the marketplace.

Users will either have to purchase it completely or none at all.

The value of NCOG NFTs lies in their characteristics which deem them non-fungible. They function in applications and games that require digital assets like Crypto art and Crypto-collectibles. They will also allow users to enjoy loyalty rewards from the $NCOG tokens issued by the NCOG DeFi project. However, they won't grant the token holder any entitlements against the issuer.

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